Little marketing snacks for the result-driven people. Centered around my ability in the social ad space, growth optimization, management and streamlining, and digital strategy. 
How do you prove that Pinterest ads are a good investment, even when your budget has been cut month over month? 
By consolidating historic ad performance, and combining the data with trending images and keyword search queries.
By combining key creatives with the right copy, I doubled the performance of these account's ads with a portion of their prior month's budget. 
When talking about small business ventures, everyone always says "move fast and break things." While that's a fantastic approach to most entrepreneurial problems, sometimes it's more about maximizing efficiency than breaking the rules. 
When we started onboarding a serious client load at Follow Spike, we posed the following question: 
How can we continue refining our process, while having limited manpower and no dedicated workflow platforms? 
This was my answer - 
With a moderate upfront amount of work and development, I quickly created the Client Tracker Sheet - a simple solution for a data problem we didn't know we had. By shifting the framing of our process refinement from qualitative to quantitative, we developed a cornerstone of our process. 
Data input and management took less than 90 minutes per month, and in return we created dynamic breakdowns of how we spent our paid client hours, which tasks and contractors were the most efficient, and rudimentary ROI tools that would update every month. 
Automation has never felt so good! 
The infamous email welcome series. 
For a long time, it has been a critical part of imprinting brand on a consumer's mind. When you're operating an e-commerce business, the stakes become even higher. So how do you ensure everything resonates the right way? How do you make people care? 
Below you'll find email#2 and #4 of the 4 part series I put together for NADS, a men's fully organic underwear business. It all comes down to authenticity, brevity, and value. 
Between our email lead-gen ads and our sharp email campaign, we generated over 1,800 new email subscribers for NADS within the first month. That month we...
- Averaged a 46% open rate 
- Kept the suppressed / unsubscribed number to >1%
- Received 14% of all web traffic from email clicks 
- Saw the email exclusive discount used 20+ times  
You can't talk about marketing right now without talking about AI. It would be like talking about climbing without mentioning Alex Honnold. AI is the elephant in the room that everyone treats like a mouse, nervously hoping it won't eat their lunch. 
The truth is, AI is going to change our industry. And right now, the delta for what you can do with it is gigantic. It's a new technology, available to all who care to use it, without any real regulation or saturation of use. Below are a few examples of how we've trained ChatGPT at Follow Spike to streamline our process, increase our capacity, and ultimately, raise our earning potential as an agency. 
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