I grew up in two countries, a short 10 hour plane ride from one another. While now I reap the benefits (and clout) of having multiple passports, the early years weren't so gravy. My brain struggled to develop into something coherent as it was bombarded by two completely different languages and cultures. My sole lifeline? Stories. 

Telling my story to people was great -- I got a lot of practice! The real gems were the stories all around me. The baker next door, the middle school principal with questionable BO, the sweet old lady with the cats - it does not matter. Each story became a small kernel of information, adding to the bigger picture. Today, armed with a (slightly) more coherent brain and a passion for storytelling, I aim to do just that - photography, writing, marketing, and everything and anything that I can get my hands on is fair game. Did I hear someone say podcasting?

The common theme here, both the cornerstone of my life as well as the bane of my existence, is the creative process.  
There is nothing quite like starting with the bare minimum - a blank sheet of paper, an old camera, an unspent ad budget, an empty cologne bottle - and CREATING something. Going from zero to one. 
A story, a drawing, a key marketing insight, a post-modern expressionist basket weaving which is a subtle commentary of the human condition - SOMETHING. Even if, most of the time, it means a non-negligible sum of pain and frustration. 

Okay, more than a non-negligible sum.
But I digress! When I am not working on creating whatever it is I'm fixated on that day, you'll probably find me writing, climbing, hiking, watching anime, binge reading, or out and about with friends. If you ever need fantasy book recommendations, I am your guy! Just don't expect an unbiased opinion - Brandon Sanderson will be the first words out of my mouth 9/10 times. 

If you have reached this far, howdy! Feel free to shoot me an email, or a DM, or a smoke signal - whatever floats your boat. 
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